Monday, November 18, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
World Diabetes Day- 50th Diabetes Camp by Singhal Diabetic Clinic (Hindi)
Mk;fcfVd Dyhfud] gfj}kj us 22 o”kksZ ls fu%’kqYd
e/kqesg f’kfojaks ls bl jksx dh tkx#drk turk rd igqapkus ds fy, bl o”kZ Hkh fo'o e/kqesg fnol ,oa cky fnol 14/11/2013 dks 50oas fu%’kqYd
e/kqesg f’kfoj dk vk;kstu dj jgk gSA
dh mi;ksfxrk ij cksyrs gq, Mk- ,e-,l- fl?kay us dgk fd gekjs ns'k esa vfèkdrj O;fDr;ksa ds fy,
LokLF; ,d xkS.k+ fo"k; gSA og dsoy bl vkSj rHkh è;ku nsrs gS] tc mudk
LokLFk; muds nSfud thou esa O;oèkku mRiUu djrk gSAgekjs lekt }kjk ik'pkR; lH;rk
dk vUèkkuqdj.k Hkh bl jksx dks c<+kus esa lgk;d gqvk gSA ftlds dkj.k 'kqxj
jksfx;ksa dh la[;k yxkrkj c< jgh gSA cky
fnol ,oa e/kqesg fnol ij mUgksus tulk/kkj.k ls dgk fd ;g fnol ges alpsr djrk gS fad ge vius cPpks dks bl jksx dh pisV esa vkus ls cpk,a avkSj mUgsa
jksx dh izkFkfed tkudkjh ns rFkk f’kfojksa esa tkdj jksx laca/kh
Hkzkfr;ksa dks fpfdRld ls feydj nwj djasA bl volj ij mUgksaus
lHkh Mk;fcfVt jksfx;ksa dks ;g ijke'kZ fn;k fd og vius CyM&'kqxj ,oa gkb CyMizs’kj ij izHkkoh fu;a=.k cuk, j[ks
;fn ykijokgh o'k jksxh dk dksbZ vo;o laLFkku e/kqesg jksx ds dkj.k izHkkfor gks
tkrk gS] rks mls iqu% lkekU; fLFkfr esa ykuk egaxk ,oa dfBu gS]s fo’ks”k #i ls xqnksZ dh dk;Z{kerk bl jksx esa
vR;Ur ,oa ’kh?kz izHkkfor gksrh gS]vr% fcuk fpfdRlh;
ijke'kZ ds vkS"kfèk;ksa dk vaèkkèkqaèk iz;ksx uk djsaZ]
Mk- vydk fl?kay us dgk Mk;fcfVt ,d ,slk jksx gS] ftldks lewy u"V djus dh fdlh Hkh fpfdRlk i}fr
dh dksbZ Hkh vkS"kf/k vHkh rd fo'o esa miyC/k ugha gSA tks Hkh
vkS"kf/k;ka miyC/k gS] og dsoy jksx dks fu;af=r gh dj ldrh gSA Hkkjr ns’k es
Mk;fcfVt jksfx;ksa dh la[;k rhoz xfr ls c< jgh gS D;ksfd blls
cpko dh izkFkfedrk dh vksj dksbZ fo'ks"k è;ku ugh fn;k tk jgkA vr% bl
jksx ls cpus ds fy,a bl volj ij e/kqesg jksx ls cpus ds fy, Mk- fl?kay nEifÙk }kjk fodflr ,d lkWWWW¶Vos;j dh Hkh tkudkjh nh tk;sxh tks osclkbV ij miyC/k gS]
ftlls fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks ;g tkudkjh fey ldsxh fd mls ;g jksx gksus dh fdl mez
esa fdruh laHkkouk gS A og bl jksx ls cpus ds fy, D;k lko/kkfu;kW cjr ldrk gS
vkSj viuh fdpu esa miyC/k elkyks ds lsou ls
Mk;fcfVt jksx ls cp ldrk gS A
यह सॉफ्टवेयर उन सभी स्वस्थ व्यक्तियों के लिए लाभकारी होगा जिनके परिवार में या तो डायबटीज़ है और या जो व्यक्ति आधुनिक जीवनशैली व् खानपान के कारण अपने जीवन में डायबटीज़ को बुलावा दे रहे है . यह सॉफ्टवेयर व्यक्ति द्वारा दी गयी कुछ संक्षिप्त स्वास्थ्य-सम्बन्धी जानकारी लेकर कुछ ही पलो में व्यक्ति को आने वाले समय में डायबटीज़ होने कि उम्र एवं खतरों से आगाह करेगा और साथ ही उस व्यक्ति के अनुरूप जीवनशैली , आहार , औषधि एवं बचाव के लिए आवश्यक जानकारी भी उपलब्ध कराएगा जिससे व्यक्ति समय रहते इस विकराल जटिल रोग को दूर भगा सकेगा और कंप्यूटर की आदी हो चुकी युवा पीढ़ी भी इस से लाभान्वित हो पाएगी .आमतौर पर जिन लोगों के परिवार में पहले से ही कोई डायबिटीज का मरीज रह
चुका हो, उन्हें डायबिटीज के दौरान या डायबिटीज से बचने के लिए अतिरिक्त देखभाल की
जरूरत होती है।
ds izfr tkx:drk ls bl jksx ,oa blds minzoksa dks jksdus ij cgqr gn rd lQyrk
ik;h tk ldrh gSA
Monday, July 8, 2013
How blood sugar level is maintained in human beings?
How blood sugar
level is maintained in human beings?
There are three processes by which blood sugar level is
maintained in human body-
Production- What
we eat mainly Carbohydrates & Sugars all are converted into Glucose by the
produced glucose goes for various purposes through cellular uptake to peripheral tissues.
(a hormone, secreted through pancreas) helps for cellular uptake as well as for
its conversion to other components like triglycerides, nucleic acid & others
important for protein synthesis.
In a healthy person, all these processes occurs normally,& blood sugar level
returns to normal within 1 hour of diet intake, but when these processes are disturbed the level of sugar in blood is also affected. If
it continues for a long period Diabetes Originates.
Dr.Alka Singhal MD
Friday, May 24, 2013
Diabetes & its type
Type of Diabetes
Most of the people do not
differentiate there diabetes with the
other. They usually think there is no difference of individual diabetes.
But it is not true even two family members can have different type of diabetes
and according to their type, treatment is varied. Every health aware must know
this fact.
team of modern Endocrinologists of w.h.o.
divided this complex disease in to several groups on medical background
technically which are difficult to understand for a nonmedical person. So we
are trying our best to simplify this
classification in five group as under-
1- Ist Group – IDDM (Insulin dependent diabetese mellitus) comes in this group,
usually effects below 15 years and its onset is rather abrupt. It have again
further division of obese (over weight) & Non-obese, which are ketosis
prone or not with other subdivision Approximate 10 % of total diabetic
population are IDDM
2- IInd Group - NIDDM (Non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) effects adult or above the age of
35 years . In this type, there is
sufficient Insulin, but body
cells are partly fail to use it. 85 % diabetes are of this variety, it is again
having the division of Obese and nonobese etc.
3- IIIrd Group- MRDM(Malnutrtion related diabetes mellitus) previously this variety
was not found in India. But now some patients are registered in metropolitan
city hospitals, Imbalance diet is the main cause of it.
4- IVth Group – In this variety pancreas function is effected due to inflammatory
conditions stones, cyst, tumour etc. in it.
5- Vth Group – Gestational diabetes, Stable diabetes, Brittle diabetes represents
this Variety.
one should understand the depth of diabetes and never try any medicine without
consulting the Physician or Diabetologist of your city.
Dr.Alka Singhal
Friday, May 10, 2013
Can we assess Diabetic Complications earlier?
Can we assess Diabetic Complication earlier?
Yes/may be
In 1993, most popular Diabetic Control & Complication Trail study (conducted in USA) showed for the first time that strict control in patients with type-1 diabetes greatly reduced the complication of the disease, and United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study proved similar evidence in favour of strict control in patient with type-2 diabetes.
Both the studies stressed on quantifying the complications as earliest possible, because once a macro or micro vascular diabetic complications take place, then quality of life effect different level directly or indirectly, hence diabetic complications are –
First cause of increased expense and pain
Second cause of physical disability
Third cause of death
Cost of medication raised by 22-25% and risk of hospitalisation raised by 30%.
Decontrol or poor blood sugar control is main reason for all diabetic complications, it causes fix by the Global scientists are – Lack of awareness of diabetes, avoid pathological tests, Self- medication, poor compliance (including diet & exercise), unable to differentiate between control and cure, and finally patient don’t want to involve know the severity, so patient rarely involve when doctor were detailing about complications of diabetes. Result pressure on hospitals is increasing every day, rate of emergencies or mortality are now multi fold as compare to last 10 years.
To avoid these most complicated situation scientists of bio-medical field introduced new generation Non-invasive instruments working on a variable frequency (low to high) with built-in ECG capabilities and computer compatibility. These instruments measure R-R interval, Power-Spectrum, Poincare-plotting Pulse wave velocity, Arterial histogram, Arterial-brachial index, Cardio-techogram, valsalva manoeuvre (in graphical presentation) and Vibro-sensometry (for feet’s).
But output of above these instrumentations was again useful for doctors only, but patients were unable to understand, so they were not involving in his problem. After a long exercise, we select some pathological tests- Haemoglobin, haemtocrit, platelet count, lipids, SGOT,SGPT, ALP, Albumin, S.Urea, Creatinine, Uric, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphors, Sodium, Potassium, Ghb1c, C-peptide, Insulin assay, and coordinate with above said instrumentations and make very first time a new algorithm, and matched with patient complaints, results were encourgable, and the important point was patient were understand about his health status. We labelled as 1stDiabetic Complication Assessment unit.
The comprehensive report assess risk of General health, function of pancreas and risk of eye, cardiovascular , cerbrovasculer, kidney, sexual, neuropathic and foot.
For example- If a 35 yrs old, average wt, non alcoholic, non smoker have diabetes last 1year with diet control having, Ghb1c-8.5. C-peptide-1.4 and insulin-7.2 then his pancreatic function will be appxcimatly 24.00 %( normal 100%), interpretation diet control and exercise are not sufficient, patient should be consult with diabetologist and switch over to anti-diabetic drug.
It is very much useful to dialectologist, because most of the time diabetic patient are unable to explain their problems or new symptom in early stage, while the doctor are busy in his own schedule, so due to communication gap new symptom gradually strengthen and get into a shape of severer diabetic complication.
A quick review of this report quantifying content tell the complete status of target organ, hint to modifying his treatment and reduced the cost of medication by 22-40%, reduced chance of OHGA failure, hypoglycaemic bout of insulin.
By this approach a group of diabetic patients could understand what is our actual status of health due to diabetes, and start efforts for better control to push back diabetes complications, and successfully improve
Quality of life by 65-75%
Reduced approximate cost of medication 22-40%,
Risk of hospitalisation y 45-50%
Complication by 55-60%
Emergency situation by 60-65%
And emergencies burden on hospitals, financial burden of individual as well as govt.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
How to prevent your loved ones from becoming Diabetic
How to prevent your loved ones from becoming Diabetic-
If you are type 2 diabetic, Take responsibility to save your
Kids from Diabetes, just think & recall the reason ,why you became Diabetic,
Is it genetic/hereditary or because of your life style.
If it is because of
your faulty Life style,guide your family to improve their lifestyle, giving
your own example, because such type of diabetes can be prevented with proper
life style changes & diet intelligence by telling them to
eat not only for taste but for Health.
If it is genetic or hereditary,
than your responsibility increases many times-
- Gift them your culture, wealth, teachings, best education & other good things but try your best to not gift Diabetes to them.
- Try to promote healthy food habits & importance of physical activity from childhood, with health education.
- Gift them interesting awareness literature about Diabetes.
- Ask them to join you, when visiting the Diabetologist , so they may learn about the disease.
- Take them to the Diabetic awareness & Education camps, if possible.
- Make them alert for any new abnormal symptom ,if they feel.
- Explain them about the economic burden of diabetes, with your own expenses to manage it.
- Explain them about the loss of working hours because of disease which include regular visits of Diabetologist, Pathological test etc.
And one most important
thing “Once a Diabetic, ever be Diabetic”
For more on prevention: Visit
Monday, April 22, 2013
Diabetes control & Stress
Diabetes Control
& Stress
human body is very complex. Every part is controlled by brain, the influence of
which can be changed by proper thought and attitude. The outside factor also
affect almost every part, distrubing the functioning of various organs. Stress
refers to psycho-physiological changes occurring in response to stimuli
perceived as threatening or harmful. Any event that requires adaptation can
trigger the physiolgical responses that charaterise stress. What we think and
how we feel affects our health; the mind and the body are intimately connected.
In modern
urban societies we are threatened and attacked, but usually in
non-physical ways. Stresses are felt as a result of economic burden,
difficulties in getting on with people, or competition at work or school. There
is a stress response to noise, interruptions, queues, deadlines, also by
threats to personal status from self imposed goals or from constant striving to
meet the expectations of others.
though much modern stress is a long-term, psychological stress, it still
initiates our stone age fight or flight response and we get steamed up. But in
civilised societies, opportunities for physical outlets are few. or
discouraged. So we bottle up our emotions, swallow our pride and keep ourself
cool. The resulting anxiety is felt as a state of chronic readiness we cannot
relax. The body is constantly tuned to a higher action level than it was
designed to operate at. This makes us uncomfortable or ill-at-ease. If this state continues too long
it precipitates disease. The disease, which may be physical or mental, is the
body,s way of turning out ,because when the body finds itself in a stressful
situation it reacts by releasing adrenalin and cortisol. These have the effect
of raising the pulse, blood pressure and respiration rate, tensing the muscles
and causing a dry mouth, dilating the pupils and increasing the keenness of sight, hearing and concentration.
The blood levels of sugar, fats and clotting
factors are raised and digestion gets slow.Hence in diabetes, if the blood sugar
level remains high for along period early diabetic complications may precipitate .
So if you are
diabetic try to relax your body & mind to keep your blood sugar in control.And if you are not diabetic do not let the stress to make you diabetic. Try to keep the stressors away from you,if possible.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Was Lord Ganesha Diabetic?
/ MAY Be.
There is no word or method which can determine the boundaries to which lord Ganesha is respected in the Hindu community worldwide. He is a total GOD-CELEBRITY in the context that the Ganesha-festival celebrated on Ganesha Chaturthi is one of the largest festivals celebrated across the world with great zeal and devotion.
His spectacular appearance with the head of an elephant and the trunk and limbs of a human being remind us of the miraculous story when his father, LORD SHIVA (called the destroyer in the hindu mythology) transplants an elephants’ head on the body of his son to make him alive on the request of his wife Goddess PARVATI .Medically speaking, such transplants are still beyond the reach of present highly advanced medical science, but at the same time tells us about the difference between man and god i.e. the possible and impossible; the scientific and miraculous aspects of human existence.
On the first look at the God as a medical practitioner, what you see is the huge pot belly indicating a central obesity with short stature indicating high BMI. further readings into the life of the “God Celebrity” tells us that he led a sedentary lifestyle (ref. lord karthikeya-the elder brother of lord Ganesha and the running around the earth story—read hindu mythology) with mythological readings also suggesting that he had a sweet tooth with special cravings for an Indian sweet called “Laddoo” (modak). Looking at the complete lifestyle one can easily gather the information that lord Ganesha had the triad of all the important risk factors that preclude the development of the non-communicable pandemic called Diabetes (called as Madhu-Prameha – in which large quantities of urine is passed) in his adolescence. However, any reference concluding firmly over the diabetic status of lord Ganesha is non-existent to our knowledge.
reason that has been cited as a theoretical possibility is that the elephant’s
head transplanted to him might have had an anatomically larger pituitary gland,
thereby releasing large amounts of ACTH and GROWTH HORMONE, excess of both of
which may have led to increased cortisol (body’s natural steroid) and
somatomedines (insulin like growth factors developing in the liver due to
growth hormone) respectively, which have been medically proved to be a
precursor of diabetes.
It is believed that the deteriorating physical health of lord Ganesha casted a permanent stress to the Goddess Parvati who requested lord Shiva her husband, to treat their son. Lord Shiva reviewed the surgery and the general health of lord Ganesha and suggested the need for some herbal remedies to control/reverse the condition and said—
bhoot ganadi sevitam, kapitha jambu fal-charu bhakshanam.
sut shok vinashkarkam, namami vigneshwaram paad pankajam.”
It can be explained as under-
Gajanan- Elephant headed (lord Ganesha)
Bhoot Ganadi Sevitam- Two meanings of this can be derived – The first is - worshiped by the existing beings, of all living beings, and the second is – Oh Lord, Please consume the “herbs of bhoot-aghna group”!
Group of Bhutaghan herbs – Bhoj Patra(Betula Utilis), Bhllatak(Semecarpus Anacardim), shayonak(Oroxylem indicum), Gorakhmundi (sphaeranthus Indicus), Jatmansi(Nordostachys jatamansi), Tulsi(Ocimum Sanctum), Gugllu(Commiphora Mukul), Devdaru(Cedrus Deodara), Sasherp(Brassica Campestris), Rudaksha(elaeocarpus Ganitrus), Durva neel (cynodon Dactylon).
According to Ayurvedic literature these herbs have been found Anti microbial, Analgesic, Wound healing properties and have individual pharmacological and also synergistic functions regulating the central nervous system with antioxidant properties, and may also play an important role to reduce the gap between animal and human post-transplant physiology (subject to research)
Kapitha jambu fal-charu bhakshanam- meaning the fruit of Kapitha(Limonia Acidissima), Jamun (Sizygium Cumini) and Charu (dubra grass, Cynodon Dactylon ) all have to be consumed.
Ancient Ayurvedic literature suggests that all these are astringent, anti-diuretic (to
control polyuria), with hypoglycaemic properties and also significant
immune-modulatory, antioxidant and fertility increasing properties.
Uma sut shoka vinashkarakam- two interpretations of
this are-
1. Son of uma (meaning lord Ganesha),
you are the one with the ability to put an end to one’s sorrows and grief.
2. Son of uma(meaning Lord Ganesha), after consuming
the above drugs your sorrows(health problems) shall be finished.
Namami vigneshwaram pad pankajam- Vigneshwara (synonymous with lord Ganesha) we bow to thy feet.
the story of his illness doesn’t finish here! It is believed that lord Ganesh
continued to have problems related to his illness and the above prescribed
herbal medications weren’t enough to give a permanent solution to his problems.
So then again, Goddess Parvati requested Lord Shiva to treat lord Ganesha mentioning that the earlier treatment was unsuccessful in treating him. Ancient literature suggests that hearing this, lord shiva then designed “Shiva Gutika” a herbo-mineral drug aimed to treat the disease of his younger son Lord Ganesha (elder son – lord karthikeya-read Hindu mythology) and stated that after consuming this drug, Lord Ganesha shall be cured.
any further references stating the health conditions after the consumption of
this drug have not been found by us. But we believe that lord Ganesha might
have developed diabetes mellitus/prediabetic glucosuria for which he was
prescribed the aforementioned medications.
The occurrence of the disease Diabetes might have had an
Indian origin as per the mythology
The presence of uniformity in the risk factors suggests that
we should stay away from such life threatening lifestyles
Most importantly, the ancient texts refer to the drugs which
were tried over lord Ganesha and we must try these drugs over diabetic
patients. The pharmacological aspects of these drugs in respect of Diabetes/metabolic syndrome should be explored for development of new
path-breaking drugs in the treatment of diabetes.
Authored and compiled by -
Links & References for further
Samhita-commentary by-Dr.Brahamnand Tripathi part 1&2, 7th
edition,2000, published by Chaukhambha Subharti Prakashan, Varanasi.
Shbadsaar (Ayurvaidiya Ayushdhiya kosh)1995, written by Shaligram, Khemraj Shri
Krishan dass Prakashan Mumbai-4
– Vrashyadhikar/Shalok 191/ commentary by Indradev Tripathi , Chaukhambha
Sanskrit Bhawan Varanasi
Vigyan part- 1 & 2, written by Prof. P V Sharma, Reprint 2003 Chaukhambha
Bharti Academy Varanasi
Ratnawali – Rasayan Prakarn / Shalok 151-173/ Ambika Dutt Shasti Chaukhambha
Prakashan Varanasi
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