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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Health And Vedic Concepts

Vedas & Health
            The  way to live  healthy, without  illness and suffering is possible if one can  and follow the Vedic procedures for daily living according to Natural Law. Disease occurrence is as old as the life on the earth.The Vedic health care system handles health from  its most basic constituent –from its soul. Though every thing is changing newer treatment approaches are coming every day  ,Modern medicine has provided excellent treatment in  the form of  effective medicines, surgical procedures like angioplasty ,CABG,& many more sophisticated advanced surgical techniques to treat  some of the diseases . This treatment is quite expensive & not available to common man. Hence it is needed globally for the low economic growth nations, to take preventive measure for  epidemics of life style disorders as well as other complex diseases like  Cancer and AIDS.
The vedic concepts of healthy living are mentioned in various texts in ancient  India based on religion. To prevent genetic disorders(Anuvanshik roga),Marriages in blood relatives (sam-gotra)were not allowed. To prevent congenital deformities  in progeny various concepts were well described including  monthly regimn of pregnancy period for safe child birth . Some of them are now proved by modern science.
Other  writings where only health is concerned Ayurvedic texts have much to offer. The concepts of Ayurveda  revived from VEDAs can be easily incorporated with  modern medicine. Dr. APJ Abdul   Kalam, Ex-President of India (Only Scientist on this post)  addressing the students of an Sanskrit Vidyapeeth of Andhra   Pradesh on  01.02.2007 stated that ‘There is need to carry out   research on Vedas, particularly Atharvaveda, for exploring   valuable information related to medicine with the help of  science and technology.
Many modern pharmaceutical companies in India are now manufacturing various herbo-mineral combinations along  with the allopathic medicines. So we hope that we will soon get standard ayurvedic preparations in the market.
Regarding  healthy life style concepts,  most of the global population  is now aware of the importance of   the time tested  Yogic exercises, Diet factors ,Physical & mental well being factors  enriched with vedic concepts of ancient India.  
Dr.Alka Singhal,MD.
Singhal diabetic Clinic ,Haridwarwww.ediabetes.co.in

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sweetness in blood v/s sweetness in relationship(Hindi)

lEcU/kks eas e/kqjrk ds LFkku ij vk jgh gS jDr esa e/kqjrk ;kfu Mk;fcfVt%

esjk fpfdRlk {ks= e/kqesg gS tks fo’o esa ,d pqukSrh ds :i eas fodjky :i ys pqdk gS vjcksa :i;ksa ds ‘kks/k ds i’pkr oSKkfud dksbZ lek/kku crkus esa vleZFkrk O;Dr dj jgs gS vkSj eq>s ;g dgrs gq, vR;Ur nq[k gks jgk gS fd fo’o dh vk/;krfed jkt/kkuh gekjk ns’k vc /khjs&/khjs jksxks dh jkt/kkuh curk tk jgk gS vius pkjks vksj utj Mkfy;s vkSj nsf[k;s fd gj 5 O;fDr;ks es ls ,d e/kqesg jksx ls ihfM+r gS D;ksfd bl jksx esa lh/ks dk;Z’kkyh izHkkfor ugh gksrh bl fy, jksxh ykijokgh djrk jgrk gS vksj tc bl jksx ds minzo vk tkrs gS rks fuf’pr :i ls mls nwljks ij ;k ifjtuksa ij fuHkZj jguk iM+rk gS vkSj ;gh ls ‘kq: gksrk gS e/kqj lEcU/kks dk izHkkfor gksuk]jksx ds dkj.k mRiUu gq;h fpMfpMkgV jksxh ds O;ogkj dks vlgt cuk nsrh gS ogh
&ckj&ckj fpfdRld ds ikl tkuk ,oa [kpZ
&CyM ‘kqxj de ;k T;knk gksus ij ;k vU; fdlh dkj.k ls &vkdfLed fpfdRlk gsrq vLirky esa HkrhZ
&‘kkjkfjd ekufld ikS:”ktU; detksjh ds dkj.k ikfjokfjd dk;ksZ esa lg;ksx u dj ikuk

eSus fiNys 22 o”kksZ dh fpfdRlkdky esa thou ‘kSyh ls lEcfU/kr iuirs jksxks ls fj’rks dh e/kqjrk dks lh/ks :i esa izHkkfor gksrs gq, ns[kk gS] ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ls mis{kk dh f’kdk;r vkfn dbZ ,slh ckrss gS ftuls jksxh /khjs /khjs vius ifjtuksa vkSj fe=ks ls nwj gksrk tkrk gS vr% esjk lHkh O;fD;ksa dks lq>ko gS fd&

fujksxh jgs] jksx ls cpus dk iz;kl djs]dqN fVIl bl izdkj gS   &

& ued de] pk; de] fpduk;h de ls de  
& ckj & ckj [kkus dh izo`fr cnys] nks [kkus ds chp esa pkj ?k.Vs dk  varjky j[ks
& ‘kkjhjhd Je vo’; djs lqcg le; ugha feyrk rks lh<+h;k p<+s vkfn
& lky esa ,d ckj esfMdy psdi vo’; djsa
                 fdlh u;s y{k.k ds vkus ij vius fpfdRld ls vo’; ijke’kZ djs

;fn vki jksxh gS &
&;ksX; fpfdRld ls ijkeZ’k ds i’pkr gh vkS”k/kh ys
&fe=] fj’rsnkj ds dgus ij nok dh ek=k le; vkfn esa ifjorZu u djs
&fdlh peRdkjh fpfdRlk ;k vkS”k/kh ds ihNs vU/ks gksdj u Hkkxs
&fpfdRld }kjk crk;h x;h tkpksa dks u Vkys

Low blood sugar


Hypoglycemia  or  low  blood  glucose  is  a  clinical  state  associated  with  low  (less  than  50mg/dl )  or  relatively  low  plasma  glucose  concentration  usually  associated  with  signs  and  symptoms. As  hunger , sweating , palpitation  or  blurred  vision  in  mild  hypoglycemia , coma  or  seizure  in  sever  hypoglycemia may occur due to Hyperinsulinism,  nsulinoma,  exogenous  insulin  overdose,   sulfonylurea  overdose,  insulin  autoimmunity.www.ediabetes.co.in

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Take step to remain healthy

You can save your self from this,Take step !

Ayurveda   recognized  the disease on  genetic  basis  also & named them  Shahaj Rogas , means the disease factors are  present silently in the body or we can say  if a person have a tendency to develop a health problem it can be triggered by envoirnment, by individual ifestyle, diet, habits,   activities, and emotions. Because  individuals have  natural tendencies to adopt  unhealthy  habits, like overeating and smoking, laziness etc.  Diabetes  can also trigger if  a susceptible individual  is having emotional disturbances  like unresolved anger, fear, anxiety, grief etc.   Ayurveda  has the answer  to  influence health by personalised  counselling  of life style,Dietary and other therapeutic suggestions .So adopting  the measures can push back diabetes.Know more : www.ediabetes.co.in

Monday, July 9, 2012

DIABETES SOLUTIONS: Smoking & Diabetes

DIABETES SOLUTIONS: Smoking & Diabetes: Diabetes & Smoking-    If  you  smoke  along with these adverse effects you    almost double your risk of developing Diabetes, compared wi...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Smoking & Diabetes

Diabetes & Smoking-   If  you  smoke  along with these adverse effects you  almost double your risk of developing Diabetes, compared with nonsmokers. So try to quit.

By- Singhal Diabetic Clinic