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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Health And Vedic Concepts

Vedas & Health
            The  way to live  healthy, without  illness and suffering is possible if one can  and follow the Vedic procedures for daily living according to Natural Law. Disease occurrence is as old as the life on the earth.The Vedic health care system handles health from  its most basic constituent –from its soul. Though every thing is changing newer treatment approaches are coming every day  ,Modern medicine has provided excellent treatment in  the form of  effective medicines, surgical procedures like angioplasty ,CABG,& many more sophisticated advanced surgical techniques to treat  some of the diseases . This treatment is quite expensive & not available to common man. Hence it is needed globally for the low economic growth nations, to take preventive measure for  epidemics of life style disorders as well as other complex diseases like  Cancer and AIDS.
The vedic concepts of healthy living are mentioned in various texts in ancient  India based on religion. To prevent genetic disorders(Anuvanshik roga),Marriages in blood relatives (sam-gotra)were not allowed. To prevent congenital deformities  in progeny various concepts were well described including  monthly regimn of pregnancy period for safe child birth . Some of them are now proved by modern science.
Other  writings where only health is concerned Ayurvedic texts have much to offer. The concepts of Ayurveda  revived from VEDAs can be easily incorporated with  modern medicine. Dr. APJ Abdul   Kalam, Ex-President of India (Only Scientist on this post)  addressing the students of an Sanskrit Vidyapeeth of Andhra   Pradesh on  01.02.2007 stated that ‘There is need to carry out   research on Vedas, particularly Atharvaveda, for exploring   valuable information related to medicine with the help of  science and technology.
Many modern pharmaceutical companies in India are now manufacturing various herbo-mineral combinations along  with the allopathic medicines. So we hope that we will soon get standard ayurvedic preparations in the market.
Regarding  healthy life style concepts,  most of the global population  is now aware of the importance of   the time tested  Yogic exercises, Diet factors ,Physical & mental well being factors  enriched with vedic concepts of ancient India.  
Dr.Alka Singhal,MD.
Singhal diabetic Clinic ,Haridwarwww.ediabetes.co.in

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