Early Aging & Diabetes –
Ageing the process of growing old is defined as the gradual biological impariment of normal function probably as a result of changes made to cells and structural components. These changes woule consequently have a direct impact on the functional ability of organs and ultimately the body as a whole.
Diabetes (also called as madhumeha in ayurveda) has today become a disease that not only has its own effects due to increase in blood sugar but also has a characteristic tendency of enhancing ageing induced body transformations. In other words, for someone 30 years of age with diabetes versus someone with 30 without diabetes, it may have been felt that patient with diabetes may actually have been 40 in terms of their actual physical age.
Early ageing which is a sequelae of diabetes is enhanced by additional factors including environmental pollution, lifestyle habits and inappropriate dietary habits.Aging is the continuous process which can not be stopped, Diabetes works as catalyst to speed up this process hence signs & symptoms of early aging occurs in the people having diabetes –Fatigue, Early greying of hair, dryness of skin,Sexual weakness, irritability etc. are common.
As per Ayurveda (the Indian system of medicine which means the“ science of life and longevity.”), in every ten year of life span, human body gradually looses important body building factors(including growth factors, hormones and antioxidant mechanisms) & vital energy which are responsible for aging. Restoration of this vital energy can be done because Ayurveda is not merely concerned with the management of an illness but is also concerned about maximizing the life span and providing optimal living.
There are Manifold health management methodologies mentioned in Ayurvedic texts-to push-back early aging & Diabetes. Ancient Indian seers advocated the modes:
-Vaya sthapan dravya (Anti aging compounds)-
a) By directly enriching the nutritional intake of the body
b) By improving digestion and metabolism and thereby promoting nutrition.
c) By promoting the capability of srotas/microcirculatory channels in the body,
· - Rejuvenation therapy (Rasayan Chikitsa) -It provides spiritual aid to the body as well, thereby bringing the body out of its state of natural or man made loss. It also claims at holding back the process of aging. Rasayana-chikitsa basically boosts vital energy of life and immunity .
So any diabetic person should take rejuvenating preparations to maintain good health and
stay young.