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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Awareness campaign Survey of Diabetes from School

Diabetes Care & Control Program-2  By  Singhal Diabetic Clinic

We are working on Diabetes from last 20 years, & performed various awareness activities through National News paper articles, Radio talks, TV programs, Awareness lectures in social organizations, Distribution of literature & 49 Free Diabetic camps till 2011.

Now in the continuation of our awareness activities we have started the survey from schools with the objective to create awareness of Diabetes  among children. World health organisation states that there is enough evidence that consumption of Junk food & lack of physical activity particularly in children is a trigger to multiply the disease occurrence.  India was estimated to have the highest number of diabetes cases in 2010 ~ 50 million approx. and by 2012 it is estimated to rise to 65 million. There is an increase in the percentage of population being exposed to diabetes in addition to the decrease in age of onset.

This can be prevented by having update information, before its onset, Therefore we have decided to collect the basic information. By which we may be able to provide better solutions for motivation to children and their parents to adopt healthy life style & diet, along with the preventive alerts regarding this complicated multi-factorial disease. As we believe that creating awareness is first step in fighting against the menace of diabetes.  To do this needful we released a Performa to be filled by the students/parents, for their welfare.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Reasons of ignoring Diabetes in Hindi

Reasons of ignoring Diabetes in Hindi under the title "Madhumeha rogi apne hi  shatru kab" was issued in public interest in the year 2000 to create awareness by Singhal Diabetic Clinic, Governer of U.P. Sh.Suraj bhanji released this at that time.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Health And Vedic Concepts

Vedas & Health
            The  way to live  healthy, without  illness and suffering is possible if one can  and follow the Vedic procedures for daily living according to Natural Law. Disease occurrence is as old as the life on the earth.The Vedic health care system handles health from  its most basic constituent –from its soul. Though every thing is changing newer treatment approaches are coming every day  ,Modern medicine has provided excellent treatment in  the form of  effective medicines, surgical procedures like angioplasty ,CABG,& many more sophisticated advanced surgical techniques to treat  some of the diseases . This treatment is quite expensive & not available to common man. Hence it is needed globally for the low economic growth nations, to take preventive measure for  epidemics of life style disorders as well as other complex diseases like  Cancer and AIDS.
The vedic concepts of healthy living are mentioned in various texts in ancient  India based on religion. To prevent genetic disorders(Anuvanshik roga),Marriages in blood relatives (sam-gotra)were not allowed. To prevent congenital deformities  in progeny various concepts were well described including  monthly regimn of pregnancy period for safe child birth . Some of them are now proved by modern science.
Other  writings where only health is concerned Ayurvedic texts have much to offer. The concepts of Ayurveda  revived from VEDAs can be easily incorporated with  modern medicine. Dr. APJ Abdul   Kalam, Ex-President of India (Only Scientist on this post)  addressing the students of an Sanskrit Vidyapeeth of Andhra   Pradesh on  01.02.2007 stated that ‘There is need to carry out   research on Vedas, particularly Atharvaveda, for exploring   valuable information related to medicine with the help of  science and technology.
Many modern pharmaceutical companies in India are now manufacturing various herbo-mineral combinations along  with the allopathic medicines. So we hope that we will soon get standard ayurvedic preparations in the market.
Regarding  healthy life style concepts,  most of the global population  is now aware of the importance of   the time tested  Yogic exercises, Diet factors ,Physical & mental well being factors  enriched with vedic concepts of ancient India.  
Dr.Alka Singhal,MD.
Singhal diabetic Clinic ,Haridwarwww.ediabetes.co.in

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sweetness in blood v/s sweetness in relationship(Hindi)

lEcU/kks eas e/kqjrk ds LFkku ij vk jgh gS jDr esa e/kqjrk ;kfu Mk;fcfVt%

esjk fpfdRlk {ks= e/kqesg gS tks fo’o esa ,d pqukSrh ds :i eas fodjky :i ys pqdk gS vjcksa :i;ksa ds ‘kks/k ds i’pkr oSKkfud dksbZ lek/kku crkus esa vleZFkrk O;Dr dj jgs gS vkSj eq>s ;g dgrs gq, vR;Ur nq[k gks jgk gS fd fo’o dh vk/;krfed jkt/kkuh gekjk ns’k vc /khjs&/khjs jksxks dh jkt/kkuh curk tk jgk gS vius pkjks vksj utj Mkfy;s vkSj nsf[k;s fd gj 5 O;fDr;ks es ls ,d e/kqesg jksx ls ihfM+r gS D;ksfd bl jksx esa lh/ks dk;Z’kkyh izHkkfor ugh gksrh bl fy, jksxh ykijokgh djrk jgrk gS vksj tc bl jksx ds minzo vk tkrs gS rks fuf’pr :i ls mls nwljks ij ;k ifjtuksa ij fuHkZj jguk iM+rk gS vkSj ;gh ls ‘kq: gksrk gS e/kqj lEcU/kks dk izHkkfor gksuk]jksx ds dkj.k mRiUu gq;h fpMfpMkgV jksxh ds O;ogkj dks vlgt cuk nsrh gS ogh
&ckj&ckj fpfdRld ds ikl tkuk ,oa [kpZ
&CyM ‘kqxj de ;k T;knk gksus ij ;k vU; fdlh dkj.k ls &vkdfLed fpfdRlk gsrq vLirky esa HkrhZ
&‘kkjkfjd ekufld ikS:”ktU; detksjh ds dkj.k ikfjokfjd dk;ksZ esa lg;ksx u dj ikuk

eSus fiNys 22 o”kksZ dh fpfdRlkdky esa thou ‘kSyh ls lEcfU/kr iuirs jksxks ls fj’rks dh e/kqjrk dks lh/ks :i esa izHkkfor gksrs gq, ns[kk gS] ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ls mis{kk dh f’kdk;r vkfn dbZ ,slh ckrss gS ftuls jksxh /khjs /khjs vius ifjtuksa vkSj fe=ks ls nwj gksrk tkrk gS vr% esjk lHkh O;fD;ksa dks lq>ko gS fd&

fujksxh jgs] jksx ls cpus dk iz;kl djs]dqN fVIl bl izdkj gS   &

& ued de] pk; de] fpduk;h de ls de  
& ckj & ckj [kkus dh izo`fr cnys] nks [kkus ds chp esa pkj ?k.Vs dk  varjky j[ks
& ‘kkjhjhd Je vo’; djs lqcg le; ugha feyrk rks lh<+h;k p<+s vkfn
& lky esa ,d ckj esfMdy psdi vo’; djsa
                 fdlh u;s y{k.k ds vkus ij vius fpfdRld ls vo’; ijke’kZ djs

;fn vki jksxh gS &
&;ksX; fpfdRld ls ijkeZ’k ds i’pkr gh vkS”k/kh ys
&fe=] fj’rsnkj ds dgus ij nok dh ek=k le; vkfn esa ifjorZu u djs
&fdlh peRdkjh fpfdRlk ;k vkS”k/kh ds ihNs vU/ks gksdj u Hkkxs
&fpfdRld }kjk crk;h x;h tkpksa dks u Vkys

Low blood sugar


Hypoglycemia  or  low  blood  glucose  is  a  clinical  state  associated  with  low  (less  than  50mg/dl )  or  relatively  low  plasma  glucose  concentration  usually  associated  with  signs  and  symptoms. As  hunger , sweating , palpitation  or  blurred  vision  in  mild  hypoglycemia , coma  or  seizure  in  sever  hypoglycemia may occur due to Hyperinsulinism,  nsulinoma,  exogenous  insulin  overdose,   sulfonylurea  overdose,  insulin  autoimmunity.www.ediabetes.co.in

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Take step to remain healthy

You can save your self from this,Take step !

Ayurveda   recognized  the disease on  genetic  basis  also & named them  Shahaj Rogas , means the disease factors are  present silently in the body or we can say  if a person have a tendency to develop a health problem it can be triggered by envoirnment, by individual ifestyle, diet, habits,   activities, and emotions. Because  individuals have  natural tendencies to adopt  unhealthy  habits, like overeating and smoking, laziness etc.  Diabetes  can also trigger if  a susceptible individual  is having emotional disturbances  like unresolved anger, fear, anxiety, grief etc.   Ayurveda  has the answer  to  influence health by personalised  counselling  of life style,Dietary and other therapeutic suggestions .So adopting  the measures can push back diabetes.Know more : www.ediabetes.co.in

Monday, July 9, 2012

DIABETES SOLUTIONS: Smoking & Diabetes

DIABETES SOLUTIONS: Smoking & Diabetes: Diabetes & Smoking-    If  you  smoke  along with these adverse effects you    almost double your risk of developing Diabetes, compared wi...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Smoking & Diabetes

Diabetes & Smoking-   If  you  smoke  along with these adverse effects you  almost double your risk of developing Diabetes, compared with nonsmokers. So try to quit.

By- Singhal Diabetic Clinic

Friday, June 22, 2012

Karela (Momordica charantia)-is it safe for every diabetic?

Karela : Momordica Charantia, Bitter Melon

          Hindi & urdu name - Karela 
          Botanical name - Momordica charantia 
          English name Bitter melonBitter gourd or bitter squash 
widely grown in Asia it is an edible bitter fruit. Its many varieties differ substantially in the shape and bitterness of the fruit. Also having medicinal values in India it is very commonly used to control Diabetes in many forms-
  • Raw fruit juice
  • Vegetable with meals
  • Dried fruit powder
  • Extract of fruit

Because this is a common vegetable fruit every Diabetic takes it without medical advice.But In our clinical practice of last 22 years exclusively on diabetes found that every diabetic is not getting benefit of it instead having other health problems more common is hyperacidity,Burning micturition, bleeding disorders  & many more. so our suggestion is do not take it as medicine to manage  blood sugar without medical advice

Haridwar       http://www.ediabetes.co.in/

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Diabetes control options

A very common saying "Prevention is better than cure", But  for Diabetes we have to think more- 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Diabetes Awareness-Hindi

Diabetic Awareness

      e/kqesg (Diabetes) vc ,d ,slk jksx gks x;k gS ftldk vfLrRo yxHkx izR;sd ifjokj esa feyrk gSA flQZ dqN izfr'kr O;fDr gh bl jksx dh idM ls cps gSA

    ysfdu e/kqesg jksfx;ksa dh fujUrj c<rh la[;k ls vc Hkh dqN yksx ftrus tkx:d gksus pkfg,] mrus ugh gSA A vkt ds ;akf=d ,oa HkkSfrd lq[kksa ds dky esa euq"; ds ikl bruk le; ugh gS fd og ;g lksps fd ftl 'kjhj ls eSa bruk dke ysa jgk gwa ml 'kjhj ds fy, D;k dj jgk gaw] rks Loa; dh lgh fLFkfr ns[k ik;sxsA

     blh izdkj tks jksxh gks pqds gS og jskx ds izfr fdrus tkx:d gS ;k mUgksus jksx dks fdruk viuk;k gSA D;ksafd vkt Hkh e/kqesg dk i<k fy[kk jksxh fpfdRld ds ikl tkdj lcls igyk loky ;gh djrk gS fd esjh baL;wyhu ds batsD'ku dc can gksxsa] ;k eS dc bl jksx ls eqDr gks tkÃ…xk \

vf/kdka'k jksxh FkksMs le; bl jksx dh fpfdRlk ls ls bruh T;knk ifj.kke dh vk'kk djrs gS fd 2 fnu dh nokbZ esa Bhd D;kas ugh gqvkA MkDVj lkgc eq>s 2 ;k 3 eghus gks x;s vc rks eS lc dqN [kk ldrk gwa]\ ,sls dgus okys jksfx;ksa dh eq[; otg jksx ds ckjs es de tkudkjh gksuk gSA

mu jksfx;ksa dks gesa ;g crkuk pkgrs gS fd bl jksx esa cgqr lksp&fopkj dj vkS"kf/k nh tkrh gS] vkSj mlds ifj.kke dh izrh{kk Hkh dh tkrh gS vr% e/kqesg ds jksxh esa /kS;Z dh Hkh cgqr T;knk vko';drk gS] ftu yksxksa dks izkjfEHkd tkap es ;g irk pys fd mUgsa e/kqesg jksx gks x;k gSA mUgsa izkjEHk esa gh jksx ds ckjs es tkudkjh djuh pkfg, A for more info.- visit http://www.ediabetes.co.in//or read Madhumeha Path Pradershika(Hindi)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Diabetes Prevention & Diet

"Prevention of Diabetes with Diet  & Ayurveda
In Diabetes food plays very important role to control as well as to prevent , Ayurveda explains   two main factors  Diet & life style to remain healthy. Some times  Diabetes is caused by these two factors,where genetic  & other factors are not present. So if the simple rules suggested about diet intake can give benefit in such cases-
  •  Eat when you feel hungry. Avoid over eating- means you should not feel heaviness & laziness after  eating..  
  •  There should be at least  3-4 hours interval between meals.
  •  Do not take multiple food article which are not compatible with each other for example  Milk products with sour/citrus  fruits .
  •  Eat your meal in peaceful  environment , if not possible just only try to concentrate on your meal with the thought that this meal is gift of god which will give strength to your body.
  •  Try to avoid drinking too much   water /juice with meals.
  • Take  your  food  as per your age &  digestive capacity also as well as climate of the place.
  • Chew the food well to make it easily digestible.
  • Take your dinner 3 hours before going to sleep,if not possible take   diet  which is easily digestible.
  • Avoid excess quantity of one type of food article for example too much sweets, too much salt or any other article, make balance . 
  • For more details read book in Hindi -Madhumeha Vyanjan Nirdeshika 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Beauty of Ayurveda

Beauty of  Ayurvedic Science

- Only therapy which emphasises on health education , to live  healthy .
- Health concepts based on  Climate, Geography & individual  personality as well as 
  financial status.
- Many herbs  are indicated to maintain general health & feeling of well being.
- Personalised selection of herbs improves Immunity.
- Easily available ,even from the Kitchen.
- External  use improves Skin Glow,improves skin diseases.
- Internal use eliminates systemic diseases.  
- Personalised formulations can be designed by the Ayurvedist & one can make it at  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Diabetes & chardham yatra-uttarakhand

Tips  for  Diabetics  visiting  Chardham yatra

-Before coming this holy travel , Consult your  Diabetologist /Physician & take consent for your   fitness for the journey & follow the advice.

-  Keep with you –
·         Identity Card indicating  about your Diabetic status (NIDDM/IDDM) &  Phone number for help.
·         Medicines for the duration of stay  which you take regularly (Insulin/Ohga).
·         Fruits, Roasted Nuts /Black Gram, Sugar Candy & other edibles. 

- Do not eat unknown food article available at open/Road side to avoid gastric disorders.

- During yatra, one has to walk a long ( as vehicles are restricted )so wear comfortable footwear to avoid any injury .

- Do not walk barefoot. It is very dangerous for Diabetics .

Do not ignore any new symptom occurring in your body, pay proper attention & manage accordingly as it may be hypoglycaemia due to long walk .

-if you feel dryness of mouth, choking in throat, chest discomfort, pain in left jaw& arm, be alert & take medical advice , it maybe heart  attack.

-If you are the patient of CKD/CRF  ,do not take any kind of exertion.

To enjoy  this auspicious occasion, be vigilant  about yourself & protect yourself from medical emergency.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Diabetes & Heart - Care (Hindi)

e/kqesg ,oa ân;  

ân;  ekuo 'kjhj dk og eq[; ,oa dksey vax gS tks 'kjhj ds fdlh vU; vo;o dh vis{kk fujUrj T;knk dke djrk gSA ekuo 'kjhj esa ;g ilfy;ks ds uhps dh vksj ls ck,a ufiy ds yxHkx uhps fLFkr jgrk gSA lkekU; O;fDr dh Hkkafr e/kqesg jksxh dk ân; 24 ?kaVsa esa yxHkx 1]15200 ckj /kM+drk gSA ân; ls 'kjhj ds lEiw.kZ vax izR;ax eas jDr igqapkus ds fy, ân; ls egk/keuh] /keuh vkSj jDr okgfu;ksa dk ,slk gtkjksa fdyksehVj yEck tky lk fcNk gSA ftleas cgus okys jDr ftlesa cgus okys jDr ds dkj.k ge thou ikrs gSA fpfdRlh; Hkk"kk esa ;g 'kjhj  dh jDr lapkj iz.kkyh dgykrh gSA
CyM&'kqxj ds izHkkoh daVªksy esa uk jg ikus ds dkj.k] vfu;fer vkgkj&fogkj ls e/kqesg jksxh ân;] ls jDr ys tkus okyh /kekfu;ksa] raf=dkvksaa ¼Nerves½ ] ân; dh ekal isf'k;ksa rFkk ân; fØ;k lHkh dqN izHkkfor gks tkrs gaSA ftlds dkj.k bu /kefu;ksa esa le; ls iwoZ dM+kiu vk tkrk gS] ftlds  ifj.kke Lo:i og viuk dk;Z iw.kZ :i ls djus esa /khjs&/khjs v{ke gksrh tkrh gaSA blds lkFk&lkFk vfu;fer Hkkstu ds :i esa yh xbZ olk rFkk CyM&'kqxj dh vfu;fer ek=k jDr ys tkus okyh /kekfu;ks esa /khjs&/khjs teus yxrh gSA ftlds dkj.k jDr /kefu;ksa esa jDr cgko esa vojks/k mRiUu gks tkrk gS]  ftls fpfdRlh; Hkk"kk esa ,FksjksLdyksjksfll dgrs gaSA ftlds dkj.k ân; dks viuk gh dk;Z djus ds fy, T;knk 'kfDr dk iz;ksx djuk iM+rk gSA ifj.kke Lo:i ân; dh ekalisf'k;kas eas lwtu vk tkrh gS] vkSj ân; dk vkgkj ¼fupyk fgLlk½ c<+ tkrk gSA ftls fpfdRlh; Hkk"kk esa dkfMZ;ksseSxssyh dgk tkrk gSA ftldk vfrae ifj.kke gkVZvVSd ds :i es vkrk gS] ftls izR;sd e/kqesg jksxh dks tukuk pkfg,A
e/kqesg jksfx;ksa esa vfu;f=ar CyM&'kqxj ds dkj.k ân; ls lEcfU/k raf=dkvksa dh fØ;kvksa esa Hkh vis{kkd`r f'kfFkyrk mRiUu gks tkrh gSA vr% e/kqesg jksxh dks ân; esa nnZ dk vuqHko lkekU; O;fDr dh vis{kkd`r de gks tkrk gSA ftlds dkj.k gkVZ&vVSd gksus dh voLFkk esa jksxh rFkk fpfdRld dks bl dk vuqeku lgtrk ls ugha gks ikrk] vkSj og lkekU; isV fodkj ¼xSl½ bR;kfn le>dj cgqewY; le; dks u"V dj nsrs gS] ftlds  ifj.kke Lo:i jksxh ds thou dh gkfu gks ldrh gSA vr% e/kqesg jksxh dks ijke'kZ fn;k tkrk gS] fd og fujarj fdlh e/kqesgK ls lEidZ cu;s j[ksA blds vfrfjDr ges'kk LoLFk ân; dh fØ;kvksa ds izfr tkx:d jgsA vr% ;fn jksxh dks dHkh
& Nkrh ¼lhus½ esa Hkkjhiu ;k nnZ ¼tks dHkh&dHkh mYVs gkFk ;k tcM+s rFkk isV ds Ã…ijh  e/; Hkkx es tkrk ekywe iM+s ½ A
& BaMk ilhuk vk;sA
& lakl ysus eas dfBukbZ gksA
& xyk can gksrk ekywe nsA
& ?kcjkgV gksA
& mYVh ;k mcdkbZ vk;s
rks fpfdRld ls lEidZ djsa] vkidh tjk lh nsj ;k ykijokgh vkids         thou dks d"V esa Mky ldrh gSA
blds vfrfjDr e/kqesg jksxh esa mPp jDr pki dh leL;k cM+h gh lkekU; :i esa ikbZ tkrh gS] vkSj jksxh Hkh blds izfr cM+k ykijokg jgrk gSA tcfd mPp jDr pki e/kqesg jksxh n`f"V rFkk xqnsZ dks
lh/kk rFkk cgqr [krjukd <ax ls izHkkfor djrk gSA blds lkFk&lkFk CyM&'kqxj ds izHkkoh daVªksy cuk;s j[kus eas Hkh ijs'kkuh djrk gSA vr% e/kqesg jkssxh blds izfr ltx jgsA vr% izR;sd e/kqesg dks ijke'kZ fn;k tkrk gS fd &
& CyM&'kqxj ij izHkkoh daVªksy cuk, jD[ksA
& vius 'kkjhfjd otu dks uk c<us ns] vkSj rhu ekg esa ,d ckj otu t:j djk ys  rFkk mls Mk;jh esa uksV dj ysaA
& CyM&izs'kj 15 fnu esa ,d ckj vo'; djk;sA
& ân; dh lgh fLFkfr dk Kku j[kus ds fy;s 6 ekg esa ,d ckj fyfiM izksQkby rFkk  lky esa ,d ckj bZ-lh-th- vo'; djk;sA
& 'kjkc] flxjsV vkfn dk lsou uk djs] D;ksfd og lc ân; xr e/kqesg ds minzo dks  tYnh ykus esa mRizsjd dk dk;Z djrs gSA
& e/kqesg ân; jksxh dks izfrfnu fu;fer :i ls rst pyuk ,oa lqcg [kqyh gok esa cSB dj yEch&yEch lakl vanj [khpuk rFkk ckgj fudykuk lcls vPNk O;k;ke gSA
& fpark] vR;kf/kd ekufld ruko bl HkkSfrd thou dh nsu gS] ;g HkqykbZ rks ugh tk  ldrh ysfdu vius iz;Ru ls de vo'; dh tk ldrhA blds fy, lnSo iz;Ru 'khy   jgsA
& v/;kfRed /;ku] /khek e/kqj laxhr vkids eu rFkk efLr"d dks 'kkar j[kus esa fu'fpr :i ls lgk;rk iznku djsxkA

Mk-,e-,l fla?ky 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sugar & other physical symptoms

Refined Sugar is the very common ingredient in our diet, inspite of diabetes & obesity, it also precipitates  some Physical symptoms which can occur  by the use of excess Refined sugar :
  • Intense sleepiness 
  • Muscle fatigue & lethargy
  • Coated tongue 
  • Excessive thirstiness
  • Heartburn/ Acidity/Sour stomach
  • Excessive intestinal Gas formation  with  foul-smell
  • Upset stomach/Improper digestion
  • Body ache

So try to avoid Excess of sugar in diet. 


Monday, February 20, 2012

Diabetes & Miraculous treatment (Hindi)

                      e/kqesg jksx (Diabetes),oa peRdkfjd fpfdRlk

gekjs ns'k ds yxHkx ¼lHkh oxksZ ds½ 70 izfr'kr ls T;knk e/kqesg jksxh peRdkfjd fpfdRlk esa fo'okl djrs gSA blls Li"V Kkr gksrk gS] fd vki vius 'kjhj ls jksx dh mifLFkfr ds izfr mnklhu gS] vkSj vki dqN fnu peRdkfjd vkS"kf/k iz;ksx dj fujksx gksuk pkgrs gSA
blh dkj.k vki viuk vewY; thou ,d ,sls vutku O;fDr ds gkFk lkSai nsrs gS] ftuds ikl ,slh dksbZ peRdkfjd vkS"kf/k gksrh gSA buesa vf/kd lk/kq] Nn~e oS|] gyokbZ] LdwVj vFkok lkbZfdy Bhd djus okys vkSj ialkjh bR;kfn gksrs gSA ftudks laHkor% vkils Hkh de bl jksx ds ckjs esa tkudkjh gksrh gSA buds }kjk nh xbZ [kkus dh vkS"kf/k] jk[k¼HkLe½]
/kkxk] rkcht bR;kfn ls tgka vkidh CyM 'kqxj fu;a=.k esa ugh vkrh] cfYd blls vkidks fuEu vfrfjDr d"V gksus dh laHkkouk T;knk izcy jgrh gS &
1- CyM 'kqxj ij vkidk vPNk [kklk fu;a=.k fcxM+ tkrk gSA
2- CyM 'kqxj c<+us ds dkj.k vkidks vkdfLed fpfdRlk lsok;sa ysus ds fy,
         ck/; gksuk iM+ ldrk gSA
3- e/kqesg tU; minzo le; ls iwoZ vk tkrs gSA
4- dHkh&dHkh 'kkjhfjd otu cgqr T;knk de gks tkrk gSA
5- mijksDr dkj.kksa ls {kqC/k jksxh tc iqu% mlh fpfdRlk vkS"kf/k ij ykSVrk gS] rks               mldh vkS"kf/k dh ek=k igys ds vis{kkd`r c<+ tkrh gSA
6- dHkh&dHkh jksxh dk thou Hkh bu vkS"kf/k;ksa ls [krjs esa iM+ ldrk gSA
7- cktkj esa miyC/k lHkh vk;qosfnZd vkS"kf/k;ka Hkh lHkh jksfx;ksa ds fy, ,d leku                           ykHkdkjh ugh gks ldrhA
blfy, Mk;fcVht ds jksxhs ;ksX; fpfdRld dh ns[k&js[k esa gh vkS"kf/k ysaA lnSo mu cMs+&cM+s foKkiuksa ,oa nkoksa ls Hkh nwj jgsa tks ,d fuf'pr le; esa vFkok feBkbZ f[kykdj vkidks bl jksx ls eqDr djus dk vk'oklu nsrs gSAD;ksafd ;fn dksbZ O;fDr@fpfdRld ,slk nkok vius izek.kksa ls djrk gS] rks lp tkfu, og fo'o fo[;kr O;fDr gksxk vkSj mldk uke fpfdRlk {ks=ksa esa Lo.kZ v{kjksa ls fy[k tk;sxkA ge vkidks ;g lq>ko nsxs fd uk rks Loa; ,slh vkS"kf/k ysa] uk gh vU; jksfx;ksa dks bldk ijke'kZ nsaA
vr% vki fdlh peRdkjh fpfdRlk dh vis{kk ,d lS}kfUrd] oSKkfud ,oa nks"k eqDr fpfdRlk iz.kkyh viuk,aA


Monday, February 6, 2012

         In 1949-:Dr. Rachmiel Levine, introduced the theory that the greater the amount of glucose present in the blood, the more the amount that is used by the body he theorized that insulin stimulates the transport of glucose from blood to fat/muscle cells and thus lowers blood glucose level. He gave the dogs a form of sugar called galactose and found that galactose was concentrated only in small amount of water outside the cells until he injected insulin then the sugar’s dilution level showed that galactose had reached the inside of the cells his results showed that insulin was like a key that unlocked the cell membrane, allowing the sugars to get inside.

Dr.M.S. Singhal

Monday, January 30, 2012

Patient education in Diabetes

 The first person to introduce patient education in type first 2 diabetes was Apollinaire bouchardat in his book le diabete sucre in 1883 , he recognized that fasting was a method to reduce glycosuria and speculated that the principal cause of the disease, he stressed the importance of exercise and developed a procdure for self-testing of urine to determine the presence of glucose. His treatment of the disease, he stressed the importance of exercise and developed a procedure for self-testing of urine to determine the presence of glucose. His treatment of diabetes mellitus was by the use by the use of a low- carbohydrate diet, he developed self-monitoring by the patiens by means of simple chmical reagents.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Diabetes in ancient days

             In 650 a.d. the treatment of diabetes in ancient days, hardly contributed to an improved quality of life paul of aegina refined the diagnosis of “dypsacus” (causing thirst), associated with the weakness of the body, leading to dehydration. For diabetes,he prescribed a remedy of pot- herbs, endive,lettuce,rock-fishes, juices of knotgrass, elecampane in dark colored wine and decoctions of dates and myrtly to drink. He warned against the use of diuretics,but venesection was permitted.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

The term ‘ Diabetes’.was first used by aretaeus of Cappadocia

Mile stones in diabetes -
          In 250 b.c the term ‘ Diabetes’.was first used by aretaeus of Cappadocia as a generic description for conditions causing “increased urine output”. Diabetes was described by him as ‘the melting down of flesh and limbs into urine’.the word diabetes, meaning “siphon” was given by him to patients who were experiencing a great thirst. Aretaeus wrote an accurate factual descripation of the condition which is instantly recognizable today and concluded that it was due to  a fault in the kidneys.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Milestones in Diabetes

     In 500/400 b.c  symptoms of diabetes were first  reported in Sanskrit literature at the time of two notable Indian physicians, sushrut and charak. Charak described diabetes as “madhumeha” (honey urine) or “iksumeha” (sugarcane urine) in his work “charak samita”. Both charak and sushrut diagnosed diabetes, by testing the urine for sweetness or noting how many ants were attracted to the urine. The urin of polyuric patients was described as “testing like  honey, being sticky to the touch and strongly attracting ants”. They were the first to differentiate between the two types of diabetes, observing that thin patients developed diabetes at a younger age and survived long, in contrast to heavier patients who had a later onset and lived longer.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Milestone Diabetes

                 1552 b.c-: Hesy-ra who lived during the 3rd dynasty of Egypt was the first to mention diabetes in 1552 B.c. he mentioned polyuria (frequent urination) as a symptom of the disease. He examined a patient who very frequently went to the bathroom. Although he didn’t khow why his patient had this problem, he put him on a special diet made up of fruits grains and honey.this diet worked because it cut the suger down.ebers papyrus’ (oldest preserved medical document),form 1500 B.C. contains the lists of remedies that were used to fight the “passing of too much urine”.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Ayurveda & Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus & Ayurveda
                                   Gestational diabetes is de­
fined as diabetes discovered during pregnancy and repeated abor­
tions without any cause referred to the same and have four other 
sub varieties like Incipient type I & II Preexisting type II and 
Newly overt type I comprehensive research goes in the favor 
of insulin in 3-4 divided doses, even OHGA should be withdrawn as earliest possible as pregnancy conceive.

So, one should be  vigilant and must not try any herbal recipes. 
Because no research work has been carried out in any Ay.research 
institute. So I will suggest to  my colleagues, confirm the 
diagnosis and refer such patients to an consultant diabetologist.

In Ay. texts no direct ref is available in the chapter of Prame­ha,  but an indirect ref. is available to us in which our Acharyas describe this problem under repeated abortion 
and month wise herbal recipes are describe in detailed.  
Simultaneously they also discuss a sever problem like post deliv­
ery pains with their remedies, which is an difficult problem of 
modern science till date. 

I think ancient Rishi's  are were well aware about the fact of 
hormonal change in every trimester during pregnancy. A comprehen­
sive research work can be performed with the help of voluntary 
females for the evaluation and establishment of the therapeutic 
effects of these remedies, it is difficult but not impossible.