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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Stress & Diabetes

Tips for stress management-
Stress is also one of the main reason of poor glycemic control So here are a few tips for preventing stress and managing it which will be beneficial for diabetics & other healthy individuals.

Believe that stress can kill and be willing to do something about it.-

Analyses your present life, identify short-term and long-term stress and decide how much   stress you will tolerate.

Remove as many sources of stress as possible.
Develop sensible, rational beliefs and attitudes towards yourself, your job and job   performance.
Develop the requisite skills and behaviors to enable you to do your job to the best of your  ability
Develop a good social support network, both at work and with family and friends.
  Keep as physically healthy as you can through a balanced diet, adequate sleep, exercise,etc.
Change your response to stress, i.e. don’t just become cross, do something constructive   like changing your job, leisure habits and outlook.
Learn to relax.


Diabetic Discipline

Diabetic Discipline
Diabetic discipline can keep the patient in good health with controlled blood sugar level.
Lifestyle discipline is of great importance, if a person diagnosed with diabetes the first step is to overview the present life style & discuss it with theDiabetologist. & as per the suggestions diabetic should follow the necessary changes according to severity.
If a diabetic do not go for the life style modifications is definetely inviting complications & troubles in near  future associated with Diabetes.
The Indian system of medicine Ayurveda  recommends life style changes in many ways -
  • General Seasonal recommendations
  • Individual recommendations as per the genetic nature(Prakurti)
  • Specific recommendations as per the disease condition
  • Recommendations as per age, geographical  status, individual strength, working style etc.
So by balancing the life style which is the part of Diabetic Discipline & this need involvement of the individual towards disease condition & learning more about the diabetes & its complications .If due to ignorance, once the complications starts taking place than it can not be reversed only increasing pattern can be delayed by strict follow up.
So manage the Diabetes with Diabetic Discipline. 

Dr.Alka singhal, Dr.M.S. Singhal

Diabetes Alert-1

Every  Diabetic  must  know that   Diabetes is a complex disorder.
·         No medicine is available till date which can root off Diabetes completely.
·         Decrease in only  blood sugar level  is not the complete treatment of diabetes.
So we want to alert all Diabetics, to not to attract towards the miraculous treatments or short term treatment  advertisements published in various Magazines, News papers & even on Internet.
Such as-
·         Diabetes cure in 3 days/3dose .
·         Eat sugar & sweet with diabetes.
·         Root off Diabetes with herbal medicine.
·         Complete cure of diabetes in 365 days.
·         Stop insulin injections in IDDM patients.
& any more.
Most of such type of treatments  are not scientifically & Clinically screened. So  don’t make your body a experimental laboratory by taking such treatment.This may detoriate the disease condition in long term or may lead to medical emergency by sudden withdrawl  of OHGA/Insulin. Each individual is unique & its type of disease may vary,So proper counseling, Diet Planning, Life style Planning  along with medicine selection by the Diabetologist is needed & followed strictly  to achieve Glycaemic control  complication free Diabetic Life.   
If you really want to start Herbal /Ayurvedic /Alternative  treatment, Consult only qualified physician of specific  science , under his guidance you will get proper care & management of the disease. Ayurveda,the ancient system of Indian medicine have lot to offer  for life style disorders with evidence based formulations designed individually after knowing the genetic & personality traits(Prakarti Analysis) of individuals.
Remember- There are no Shortcuts to manage Diabetes, have patience.
Dr.M.S.Singhal , Dr. Alka singhal