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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ayurveda & Diabetes


When should you seek Ayurvedic intervention ?
It is presumed that only 10 percent diabetics are aware of their diseases. The rest discover it accidentally in routine examination for any surgery , insurance or pregnancy. The news comes with as much shock as disbelief , and nearly 65 percent of causes disregard the diagnosis . while this should be the time to seek Ayurvedic intervention , most of them drift to western meditation.

As a result of this , use of Ayurvedic regimen and modification in the lifestyle are pushed to the backburner , lack of both leads to further imbalance in three doshas , vata , pitta , and kapha . diabetes only seek Ayurvedic when most of the things have alipped  out of their hands , and when they do , they expect miracles . It is better to take preemptive preventive actions in diabetes than curative steps in the same.

It has been observed that the use of western medication regularly or irregularly , with or without exercise , diet control , and lifestyle change , gives rise to a number of complication . what is surprising is that people contemplate of taking up Ayurveda for these complications rather than diabetes , which they should have in the beginning. Here is the list of a couple of complication that push a diabetes to Ayurvedic intervention.

a)      when high doses of medication fail to reduce rational blood sugar level.
b)      A diabetic is not ready to inject insulin.
c)      In case of insulin resistance

Apart form that what hassles a diabetic is a beeline of western medicine – induced symptoms like muscular weakness , pains and aches , weight loss , constipation , depression , irritability , sleeplessness , blurring of vision and sexual debilities..

While seeking Ayurvedic intervention , diabetics have been observed of asking some very blunt and demanding question , like : “can I stop insulin injections from today’’, “How far Iam be before Ican give up these injections forever,” and “can you guarantee me a cure by the Ayurvedic formulation you are recommending !!” diabetes is a lifestyle disorder , and an Ayurvedic expert was never a part of a prospective diabetic’s lifestyle , when he or she was “including much” and trying to catch up with a problem. Still these question ?

In as far as diabetes is concerned , Ayurveda offers much to a diabetic when western medicine has almost given him or her up. Despite this ,if a diabetic wants to see considerable improvement by using Ayurvedic intervention , the best outcome depends on the trust a diabetic bestows in Ayurveda and its expert.

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