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Monday, April 22, 2013

Diabetes control & Stress

Diabetes Control & Stress

The human body is very complex. Every part is controlled by brain, the influence of which can be changed by proper thought and attitude. The outside factor also affect almost every part, distrubing the functioning of various organs. Stress refers to psycho-physiological changes occurring in response to stimuli perceived as threatening or harmful. Any event that requires adaptation can trigger the physiolgical responses that charaterise stress. What we think and how we feel affects our health; the mind and the body are intimately connected.

In  modern  urban societies we are threatened and attacked, but usually in non-physical ways. Stresses are felt as a result of economic burden, difficulties in getting on with people, or competition at work or school. There is a stress response to noise, interruptions, queues, deadlines, also by threats to personal status from self imposed goals or from constant striving to meet the expectations of others.
Even though much modern stress is a long-term, psychological stress, it still initiates our stone age fight or flight response and we get steamed up. But in civilised societies, opportunities for physical outlets are few. or discouraged. So we bottle up our emotions, swallow our pride and keep ourself cool. The resulting anxiety is felt as a state of chronic readiness we cannot relax. The body is constantly tuned to a higher action level than it was designed to operate at. This makes us uncomfortable or  ill-at-ease. If this state continues too long it precipitates disease. The disease, which may be physical or mental, is the body,s way of turning out ,because when the body finds itself in a stressful situation it reacts by releasing adrenalin and cortisol. These have the effect of raising the pulse, blood pressure and respiration rate, tensing the muscles and causing a dry mouth, dilating the pupils and increasing the keenness of sight, hearing and concentration.
 The blood levels of sugar, fats and clotting factors are raised and digestion gets slow.Hence in diabetes, if the blood sugar level remains high for along period early diabetic  complications may precipitate .
So if you are diabetic try to relax your body & mind to keep your blood sugar in control.And if you are not diabetic do not let the stress to make you diabetic. Try to keep the stressors away from you,if possible.  

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